This is the tutorial for a Planted aquarium setup or Aquascaping in malayalam.
Continue Reading “How to make a planted aquarium – Malayalam”Author: admin
How to make a YouTube subscription link to get more subscribers
Almost all people would like to make money online. And YouTube is the one of the most popular money making platform via ads. That is why people started turning to start the new channel and vlogging. Many people and making huge money through it. Continue Reading “How to make a YouTube subscription link to get more subscribers”
PHPMyadmin login issue in Ubuntu 18.04 – DigitalOcean
Just run the below commands
- Command to access MySQL as the root usersudo mysql # or sudo mysql -u root
- Replace ‘yourpassword’ below with the password you want to useALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘yourpassword’;
Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPs
When we installing SSL certificates to a website, we need to change the urls with the prefix https. Even we changed prefix to https, almost all servers won’t automatically redirect the http requests to https. Both will work as standalone. So we need to redirect it manually using a .htaccess file. Continue Reading “Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPs”
Install Ubuntu and configure a website in DigitalOcean droplet – Basic
How to install Ubuntu and configure a website in DigitalOcean droplet – Basic
You can run the below code after login using the command-line/putty Continue Reading “Install Ubuntu and configure a website in DigitalOcean droplet – Basic”